Workers Compensation

In most states, workers’ compensation insurance is required by law but all workers’ compensation insurance programs are not created equal. You need a partner who specializes in your industry and understands your industry's unique risk management requirements.

Imagine what might happen if …

  • A health care worker is stuck by needle used by a patient with Hepatitis C
  • A driver is involved in a fatal accident in another state
  • Your organization experiences high claim frequency
In any industry, these types of workers’ compensation claims can happen in an instant, despite the most careful safety procedures. If you have generic workers’ compensation insurance, response may be slow. If you work with Cornell Insurance and our carefully selected niche insurance providers, these types of claims will be managed in an expedient and effective manner.

Key features of our workers' compensation insurance programs:

  • Needle stick and sharps injury provisions include payment for the initial cost of testing the employee and the patient (not all programs pay for patient testing) and payment for treatment of the employee according to the Center for Disease Control guidelines
  • Nationwide network of health care providers and nurse case managers for fast response to out-of-state accidents
  • Loss prevention resources and services to help your team work safer, and minimize the frequency and severity of claims
  • Proactive early-return-to-work assistance to return employees back to work as soon as possible and save you time and money
  • Loss prevention resources and services are available to help you minimize professional liability claims, including the implementation of abuse and molestation controls
  • Prompt, proactive claim response
  • Assistance with helping you identify payroll classification errors and/or premium audit errors that impact your rates

Workers’ compensation claims costs are on the rise! How can you defend your bottom line? With quality claims care and smart accident prevention through Cornell Insurance. Our unique team work return-to-work services get 57% of injured employees back on the job within 30 days. Our suite of risk management resources helps you operate a safer workplace, reduce losses and minimize costs. 

Contact Us to learn more