General Liability Insurance

Imagine what might happen to your organization if …

•A visitor slips and falls on your premises
• A child sustains a head injury after falling on your play structure
• One of your residents or employees assaults someone

General liability lawsuits are quite common for businesses that provide products and services for the public sector. General liability claims typically arise if your organization’s actions result in someone else’s bodily injury or property damage.

As you know, despite the most careful management, these types of situations can easily occur. The key is to ensure that general liability coverage is tightly dovetailed with professional liability coverage so there are no gaps.

Other serious concerns for health care services organizations are sexual molestation and patient transport exposures. We will help you put the proper protocols and coverage in place to limit your exposures in these area to the greatest degree possible.

Key features of General Liability coverage:

  • Broad definition of “insured” includes medical directors, administrators, and any person or organization under your direct supervision and control
  • Grant writing services available for nonprofits
  • Medical payments for volunteers is included
  • Coverage for fundraising events is available
  • Large excess limits available
  • Coverage can be dovetailed to complement your professional liability insurance, commercial auto insurance, D&O insurance and umbrella coverage
  • Loss prevention resources and services are available to help you minimize general liability claims, including the implementation of abuse and molestation controls
  • Coverage is available on an occurrence-based or claims-made basis
  • Prompt, proactive claim response

Contact Us to learn more