
Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability lawsuits are the source of countless six-figure claims – particularly in the social services and nonprofit realms. 
For this reason, professional liability is an essential insurance protection for any service-oriented business.

Imagine what might happen to your organization if …

• You are accused of administering the wrong medication to an elderly patient

• One of your workers is accused of sexually molesting a child

• A resident wanders off and can’t be found

These are very real scenarios for organizations in the social services sector. Even if you aren’t guilty or negligent, it can often require months of litigation and thousands of dollars in legal costs to prove your innocence.

Don’t make the common mistake of assuming that your general liability insurance policy will cover these types of scenarios. In fact, most general liability policies exclude professional liability exposures. Professional liability insurance (also referred to as Errors and Omissions insurance) provides coverage for acts, errors and omissions during the rendering of a professional service.


Key features of professional liability coverage as part of a social services or nonprofit insurance package:

  • Coverage can be provided to protect your organization from actions by directors, officers, employees and volunteers
  • High limits are available
  • Coverage pays for your legal defense up to the policy limit
  • Loss prevention resources and services are available to help you minimize professional liability claims, including the implementation of abuse and molestation controls
  • Coverage is available on an occurrence-based of claims-made basis
  • Prompt, proactive claim response

Contact us to learn more.